- #One lonely outpost price manuals#
- #One lonely outpost price serial number#
- #One lonely outpost price upgrade#
Omake will earn you extra.Adventurous and kind-hearted, Aaron will sweep you off your feet with long hikes and long conversations about the optimistic trajectory of humanity. you'll have a budget of 100 supply points to start with.

Note: at the end of march you will have a chance to buy supplies, weapons and gear. It held a bunch of crosses and what looked like silver plated bullets for your pistol.
#One lonely outpost price serial number#
It looked newer then the other two, as in manufactured less than 2 months ago new if the serial number on the side was anything to go by.
#One lonely outpost price manuals#
The Second Create had a supply of paper manuals for all the outdated equipment here at the outpost, this should keep you from having to go to Kelly to request them. He left you four cases of what is now 12 year old Whiskey in the first of the three crates. Might as well see what we were leftĤ6, God bless the last guy stuck here. Where’s the fucking whiskey bottle you opened when the lunatic showed you the bison? You’re not trying this again till you get some training manuals for Rapid response teams. Those four little shitstains from squad 3 nearly caused the Bison to run you over and you still got a nasty cut on your thigh from your attempt to have them to practice a basic fireman’s carry. Anything goes wrong these are the guys who will get to the scene first and make sure it doesn't get worse.ġ2, You’re not talking about this. You’re going to need dedicated equipment to get them beyond this point though. Marine quality status has now been raised to: Basic This did last and you were able to get the whole lot in decent condition before the month was out. Half of squad two was 20 pounds overweight. Even if we're out in the bumfuck edge of nowhere there is no excuse to get sloppyĨ8, the bad news first: they sent you the worst marines on the planet and no, that is not an exaggeration. Gains asset: The Bison ACH (armored Cargo hauler) (Three fucking 100s in a row! Damn my hatred of the taste of booze, I’m too sober for this but I can’t even bear a sip of the stuff.)
#One lonely outpost price upgrade#
How the fucking hell had you not noticed him turning a massive dump truck into the biggest armored Cargo hauler on Mars? The Thing even had its driver’s Cabin replaced with a command center for god’s sake! And if that wasn’t enough the little lunatic says he can upgrade it if you order some stuff for him to do it with. It turns out that one of your marines is a compulsive tinkerer and spent the month bribing, bullying, and conning the men into helping him work on his latest project.

Right now you have a small reactor with a year’s worth of fuel to tie you over but you decided to play it safe and ordered the marines to do what they can to fix it up. You have a fuel extractor capable of pulling out enough hydrogen from the soil to feed a pair of medium sized reactors for a long time you just need to get the thing online. The results aren’t as good as you hoped but were better than expected. Get men out to that mining equipment and get it operational.Ħ7, the day after your 3 squads of marines arrived you kicked of them out the airlock with 12 hours of oxygen strapped to their backs with orders to survey the mining equipment and see what you could put to use. The idea of a rapid response team was sound and the one they had in Mars city was very good at their job but the fact that you were given the utter dregs of the marines assigned to Mars caused… Issues. You wince and rub your thigh as your injury from The Incident flared up as you filed your reports for the month.